Trying to add an Access Calendar



I have a quick question about adding an Access Calendar. I tried to follow
the example at this site:

This is my VBA:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim cboOriginator As TextBox

Private Sub ConsultDate_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
' Note which combo box called the calendar
Set cboOriginator = ConsultDate
' Unhide the calendar and give it the focus
ocxCalendar.Visible = True
' Match calendar date to existing date if present or today's date
If Not IsNull(cboOriginator) Then
ocxCalendar.Value = cboOriginator.Value
ocxCalendar.Value = Date
End If
End Sub

Note: I am using a TextBox, not a ComboBox, as in the example. I don’t
think this is the issue, but I just wanted to throw it out there…

When I double-Click the TextBox named ConsultDate, I get a message that says
‘Compile Error: Variable not Defined’

This line of code is yellow:
Private Sub ConsultDate_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

Please let me know what I am doing wrong.


PS, is there any way to export the Form in the example that is available for
download? I may be able to export the Form from the example at the link
mentioned above, and import it into my DB. This is VERY easy to do in Excel.

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