Trying to add or save a record.



I tried this awhile back and gave up. Trying again.

I made a form with two tables, customers & calls.

When I enter the phone number from the customers table that exists it
populates the form the way I want it and I can save the form or add a new
record and I think it is saving it in the calls table.

If I enter a phone that doesn't exist and try to exit or enter a new record,
I get the following.

The microsoft jet database engine cannot find a record in the table
'customer' with key matching field(s) 'Phone#'.

What I am trying to do is save the form even though it doesn't find a
matching field.

Mark Layne

Sounds like you have an enforced relationship between your customer and
calls tables. You will have to save a record in the customer table with the
new phone number prior to trying to save a record in the calls table.

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