I am trying to avoid entering names more than once, I know they will probably
still happen but right now is happening a lot.
The table is called "CustNew" and the fields that I think will help me
accomplish this are:
TimeStamp2 (shows date new record entered)
The form where the customers are entered is called "NewCustomer" and has 2
"CustomerName2" and "PostalCode"
Until now I have been using the following to warn of an existing name
(obviously not enough to stop duplicates)
Private Sub NewCustomer2_AfterUpdate()
'Dim all required variables:
On Error GoTo Err_Label
Dim strSql As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strQuote As String
strQuote = Chr$(34) ' initialize strQuote to the double quotation
'mark character
Set db = CurrentDb()
' Create a sql select statement that looks for another records
' where CustomerName AND PostalCode match what you have just typed in
If Me.NewRecord Then ' only check if we are adding records
' Construct the SELECT statement
strSql = "SELECT CustomerName" _
& " FROM CustNew " _
& "WHERE CustNew.CustomerName = " _
& strQuote & Me.NewCustomer2 & strQuote
'This following line doesn't apply here
'& " AND PostalCode = " & strQuote & Me.PostalCode & strQuote & ";
' Open a recordset based on the SELECT statement
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSql, dbOpenDynaset)
' If this recordset has records in it then we found duplicates....
If rst.RecordCount > 0 Then
' we have duplicates
If MsgBox("If this customer is a REPEAT click CANCEL, If NEW
customer click OK" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "NOTE: even if the customer has moved
is still considered a REPEAT" & vbCrLf & " (include a note with contract to
make sure the Address is updated)", vbQuestion + vbOKCancel, "
Is this a REPEAT or a NEW customer?") = vbCancel Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "Choose Customer"
End If
End If
'we do not have duplicates
End If
On Error Resume Next
Set rst = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.des
Resume Exit_Label
End Sub
I want instead do it after entering "PostalCode" and comparing with
"TimeStamp2" to minimize the problem.
I tried several different approaches but my limited code and query
knowledge get on the way.
I will appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance,
If is not clear please let me know.
still happen but right now is happening a lot.
The table is called "CustNew" and the fields that I think will help me
accomplish this are:
TimeStamp2 (shows date new record entered)
The form where the customers are entered is called "NewCustomer" and has 2
"CustomerName2" and "PostalCode"
Until now I have been using the following to warn of an existing name
(obviously not enough to stop duplicates)
Private Sub NewCustomer2_AfterUpdate()
'Dim all required variables:
On Error GoTo Err_Label
Dim strSql As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strQuote As String
strQuote = Chr$(34) ' initialize strQuote to the double quotation
'mark character
Set db = CurrentDb()
' Create a sql select statement that looks for another records
' where CustomerName AND PostalCode match what you have just typed in
If Me.NewRecord Then ' only check if we are adding records
' Construct the SELECT statement
strSql = "SELECT CustomerName" _
& " FROM CustNew " _
& "WHERE CustNew.CustomerName = " _
& strQuote & Me.NewCustomer2 & strQuote
'This following line doesn't apply here
'& " AND PostalCode = " & strQuote & Me.PostalCode & strQuote & ";
' Open a recordset based on the SELECT statement
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSql, dbOpenDynaset)
' If this recordset has records in it then we found duplicates....
If rst.RecordCount > 0 Then
' we have duplicates
If MsgBox("If this customer is a REPEAT click CANCEL, If NEW
customer click OK" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "NOTE: even if the customer has moved
is still considered a REPEAT" & vbCrLf & " (include a note with contract to
make sure the Address is updated)", vbQuestion + vbOKCancel, "
Is this a REPEAT or a NEW customer?") = vbCancel Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "Choose Customer"
End If
End If
'we do not have duplicates
End If
On Error Resume Next
Set rst = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.des
Resume Exit_Label
End Sub
I want instead do it after entering "PostalCode" and comparing with
"TimeStamp2" to minimize the problem.
I tried several different approaches but my limited code and query
knowledge get on the way.
I will appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance,
If is not clear please let me know.