Trying to copy and paste ...



....a page that includes both text and clip art without success.

I get a message that states: <Microsoft Word has encountered a problem and
needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.>. Then Word tries to
save the page but gets into a never-ending loop and you have to end up
deleting the file before it will stop. What do I need to do to be able to
copy and paste a text page that includes images? I can copy text pages with
no problem, but if the page includes a graphic, that's when the problem
starts (both online and off). Any help would be appreciated.

Running Windows XP Home
and Word 2002
Word is my on-line editor

Shauna Kelly

Hi billybob

What you are experiencing is not normal. You should be able to copy and
paste text with images. It sounds to me like there are fundamental problems
with that document.

If it were my document, I'd make a safe copy somewhere, and then apply the
tips described in the following:
How can I recover a corrupt document or template - and why did it become

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.


Thanks, Shauna, for responding.. Its not just a specific's
any document, whether an online html or an offline word document. They all
refuse to copy and paste. If it is a word text only doc, it copies and
pastes great every time, but not if it contains an image.

Shauna Kelly

Hi billybob

Then there are two lines of inquiry that you might follow.

The first is to start Word using the /a switch. To do that, do Start > Run.
In the box, type "winword.exe /a" (no quotes) and click OK. Create two new
documents. In one, put some text and an image. Try to copy and paste that
into the other.

If that works, then find (see for info on how
to find it), re-name it to and see if that still works OK. If
it does, then you can use Tools > Templates and Add-ins > Organizer to copy
any customizations from to your new

The second line of inquiry is to see if you have an errant add-in that is
creating the problems. See Don't be
put off by the name of the article - it shows you how to track down addins
to see if one is causing your problem.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.


I'm not sure but this may also be a security setting on the network that is
inhibiting copying anything other than text.

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