Trying to count differences between columns




I have a list of 12,000 rows separated into two columns. In each row, the
two columns either match or don't. So I've made a third column that is just
a simple "if" function in each row that puts a "1" in if the two columns
differ. I then use a "countif" at the bottom to tally the # of different

The problem I am running into is that some of the rows have one column with
an empty cell (no data). So for this row I would have data for one column,
but not both. Obviously according to my functions, excel will count these as
different. I would like these rows to not be counted as different. Does
anyone know how to exclude rows where one of the columns has no data from
being counted as "different"?

As always, many thanks in advance.

Sandy Mann

Make your formula:



In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
Replace with

Ron Coderre

If your data is in adjacent columns (eg Col_A and Col_B)
Try this in Col_C:

If the columns are separated, perhaps this:

In either case...
Copy the formula down as far as you need.
You'd only need to sum the test column.

Alternatively, you might consider this kind of single-formula approach to
count unmatched, non-blank items:

Adjust range references to suit your situation.

Is that something you can work with?

XL2003, WinXP


Thanks guys! Ron, I tried yours because it was shorter. So it looks like
you are using counta to first judge if there are inputs in both cells. If
yes, then it is doing A1<>B1. What is this function exactly? It seems to be
working great now, but I've never seen that notation before. Is A1<>B1 just
a way to write "different"?

Peo Sjoblom

Not equal to



Peo Sjoblom

pm said:
Thanks guys! Ron, I tried yours because it was shorter. So it looks like
you are using counta to first judge if there are inputs in both cells. If
yes, then it is doing A1<>B1. What is this function exactly? It seems to
working great now, but I've never seen that notation before. Is A1<>B1
a way to write "different"?

Ron Coderre


The <> is the "does not equal" operator in Excel.

Structured like this:

If A1 does not equal B1, the expression returns TRUE.
If A1 equals B1, the expression returns FALSE.

When you apply an arithmetic operator to a boolean value (True/False), Excel
converts TRUE to 1 and FALSE to 0. In the formula I posted the Dbl-minus
forces that conversion.

Where =A1<>B1 would return TRUE or FALSE...
This version =--(A1<>B1) returns 1 or 0

Does that help?
Post back if you have more questions

XL2003, WinXP


Great. Explains everything. Thanks again!

Ron Coderre said:

The <> is the "does not equal" operator in Excel.

Structured like this:

If A1 does not equal B1, the expression returns TRUE.
If A1 equals B1, the expression returns FALSE.

When you apply an arithmetic operator to a boolean value (True/False), Excel
converts TRUE to 1 and FALSE to 0. In the formula I posted the Dbl-minus
forces that conversion.

Where =A1<>B1 would return TRUE or FALSE...
This version =--(A1<>B1) returns 1 or 0

Does that help?
Post back if you have more questions

XL2003, WinXP

Ron Coderre

To expand on my earlier post....

Excel does not automatically consider boolean values (TRUE/FALSE) to be
You need to coerce them into becoming numbers.

That is done by applying an arithmetic operator to them.

For example:

Then B1: =SUM(A1)
returns 0

But all of these return 1:
B1: =SUM(+A1)
B1: =SUM(A1/1)
B1: =SUM(A1*1)
B1: =SUM(--A1)

However, the first 3 of those formulas might be confused as an attempt to do
a calculation.

Consequently, experienced Excel users understand that a Double-Unary (--)
indicates that we are forcing a conversion, not peforming a calculation.

It works this way:
-TRUE becomes -1
--TRUE becomes 1 (because the negative of a negative number is a positive
number) Yikes...I sound like a Jr. High School math teacher.

Does that make sense?

XL2003, WinXP

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