HELP!!! Hi! I am trying to create a pivot chart or a table that will show
what job sites our staff is located at along with a link to open up their
calendar so we can see their schedule for the week. I would also like it to
update automatically as I update the calendar information. Is there a way to
create this or should I try a different program such as Access. I really
like Excel and hope that this program will be able to handle this sort of
task. Thank you for any help that you can give me!!!
what job sites our staff is located at along with a link to open up their
calendar so we can see their schedule for the week. I would also like it to
update automatically as I update the calendar information. Is there a way to
create this or should I try a different program such as Access. I really
like Excel and hope that this program will be able to handle this sort of
task. Thank you for any help that you can give me!!!