I'm getting the error message:
"Microsoft Office Access doesn't support the formate of the file
'.....\image.tif ' , or file is too large. Try converting the fiel to BMP or
GIF format"
I know the file is not too large...it's on 24kb.
My office set up does not have TIF format in the as a option to install
under the installation menu....Office Shared Features; Converters and
Filters; Graphic Filters
"Microsoft Office Access doesn't support the formate of the file
'.....\image.tif ' , or file is too large. Try converting the fiel to BMP or
GIF format"
I know the file is not too large...it's on 24kb.
My office set up does not have TIF format in the as a option to install
under the installation menu....Office Shared Features; Converters and
Filters; Graphic Filters