I have a large spreadsheet that lists numerous customers. Each
custtomer has a code for the service that we provide them and then has
a price negotiated at the time of service. We are have set up a price
list that gives the service code, in a vertical column and then has a
range of dollar values for each service code (about 20 separate codes)
ranging from $0 to $75 broken up in 5 grade (E,D,C,B, A) categories.
The pricing is different ranges for each service code. What I need to
do is have each customer line, take their code, find a match in the
Price LIst code, the take the price they are paying for that code and
see which letter grade range if is closest to, and then put that grade
in a field for that customer. I know how to simple vlookup, but I
don't know how to tell it to do what I think amount to a vlookup and
hlookup (has to return the grade value at in whichever of the 5
columns apply.) I scoured the site and feel it will involve a match
and index at least, but can't figure out how to use them correctly.
custtomer has a code for the service that we provide them and then has
a price negotiated at the time of service. We are have set up a price
list that gives the service code, in a vertical column and then has a
range of dollar values for each service code (about 20 separate codes)
ranging from $0 to $75 broken up in 5 grade (E,D,C,B, A) categories.
The pricing is different ranges for each service code. What I need to
do is have each customer line, take their code, find a match in the
Price LIst code, the take the price they are paying for that code and
see which letter grade range if is closest to, and then put that grade
in a field for that customer. I know how to simple vlookup, but I
don't know how to tell it to do what I think amount to a vlookup and
hlookup (has to return the grade value at in whichever of the 5
columns apply.) I scoured the site and feel it will involve a match
and index at least, but can't figure out how to use them correctly.