Trying to get a splash screen to listen to me?



Hello All, I am trying to get a splash screen to Say Hello and the
persons name registered to that computer. I have the code to retrieve
the username. The problem is that i have to pieces to a puzzle the
actual splash screen is composed of a userform that I cannot find a way
to enter the MsgBox "Hello " & Application.UserName & ", command this
will give you Hello Person Name, but with a built in msgbox. I cannot
get the msgbox to close automatically after 5 seconds but I can close
the userform after 5 seconds so I have two pieces that I can not find a
way to fit together.
example useform:
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:05"), "KillTheForm"
End Sub

example MsgBox:

MsgBox "Hello " & Application.UserName & ", ?

How can I intergrade these two? I am out of ideas is there anyone that
knows how?


Why not use a userform to create a custom message box that will close
after 5 seconds just add the buttons you want


Fisrt you need to reference the "Windows Script Host Object Model" (in
VBE - Tools ==> References... , check Windows Script Host Object Model
then click OK)
then try this:

Sub test()
CreateObject("WScript.Shell") _
.Popup "Hello " & Application.UserName, 2, _
"My Flash Box"
End Sub




Sandy your great - Thanks I'll try this asap!
Sandy said:
Fisrt you need to reference the "Windows Script Host Object Model" (in
VBE - Tools ==> References... , check Windows Script Host Object Model
then click OK)
then try this:

Sub test()
CreateObject("WScript.Shell") _
.Popup "Hello " & Application.UserName, 2, _
"My Flash Box"
End Sub




Hello Sandy do you kow how to use excel sort of like a host. I want to
host pdf files meaning i want to have a directory of the pdf files on a
sheet sort of like hyperlinks but I need to embed them somehow because
I am sending it as an email?


To do it manually use Insert ==> Object... and then select Adobe
Acrobat Document then select the file.


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