Exactly what I was looking for and so obscure! Thanks so much for posting this.
The problem with detecting inline attachments seems only to occur when using HTML mail. The RTF setting doesn't seem to create them.
krach.ara wrote:
This worked for me (don't mid the sloppy code....
This worked for me (don't mid the sloppy code.... cleaners are o
their way

public static bool IsValidAttachment(Outlook.MailIte
mailitem, Outlook.Attachment attachment
bool retval = false
string CID = ""
if (attachment.FileName != ""
// this skips the olOLE type
MAPI.Session session = new Session()
session.Logon("", "", false, false, Type.Missing
Type.Missing, Type.Missing)
MAPI.Message message
(MAPI.Message)session.GetMessage(mailitem.EntryID, "")
MAPI.Attachments atts
for (int teller = 0; teller
mailitem.Attachments.Count; teller++
MAPI.Attachment att
MAPI.Fields fields = (MAPI.Fields)att.Fields
MAPI.Field field
if ((string)field.Value =
(MAPI.Field)fields.get_Item(0x3712001F, null)
CID = (string)field.Value
(MAPI.Field)fields.get_Item(0x37140003, null)
if (!CID.StartsWith(attachment.FileName
&& (int)field.Value !=4
retval = true
if (attachment.Type =
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlAttachmentType.olByValue && CID =
retval = true
return retval
Previous Posts In This Thread:
For embedded attachments, you don't find the file name but something likethis
For embedded attachments, you don't find the file name but something lik
this in html
<img src='cid:xxxxx'
Best regard
Michael Bauer - MVP Outloo
Use Outlook Categories? This is Your Tool
Am Tue, 12 Feb 2008 02:47:44 -0800 (PST) schrieb (e-mail address removed):
Trying to hide inline attachments
I am writing some code to archive mail
whel looping through my selection i check every e-mail to see if i
contains any attachments. However the outlook api gives me a number o
inline attachments that i don't want to see. I only want to see th
attachments that are visible via the paperclip icon in office
Does anybody now of a way of detecting these inline attachments
I tried to look at the attachment.type property, but this is not th
way to go
I tried analysing the htmlbody to look for the filename, but this wa
also no help
And the cid will be the same as in the PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID (0x3712001E or
And the cid will be the same as in the PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID (0x3712001E or
urn:schemas:mailheader:content-id) property on the attachment object. That
will give you what to look for if you you're using Outlook 2007 or Extended
MAPI or CDO 1.21 or some other API that allows access to properties not
exposed in the Outlook 2003 or earlier object models
Ken Slova
[MVP - Outlook
Author: Professional Programming Outlook 200
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Option
Unfortunatly, my problem can't be solved in managed code (seefollowing link
Unfortunatly, my problem can't be solved in managed code (see
following link for a quote)
unfortunatly we had to make some consessions in the features of the
application due to the short development time (have to deliver the
software tomorrow)
If i find a solution in managed code, i will post it here.
Thnxs for the pointers however !
This worked for me (don't mid the sloppy code....
This worked for me (don't mid the sloppy code.... cleaners are on
their way

public static bool IsValidAttachment(Outlook.MailItem
mailitem, Outlook.Attachment attachment)
bool retval = false;
string CID = "";
if (attachment.FileName != "")
// this skips the olOLE types
MAPI.Session session = new Session();
session.Logon("", "", false, false, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
MAPI.Message message =
(MAPI.Message)session.GetMessage(mailitem.EntryID, "");
MAPI.Attachments atts =
for (int teller = 0; teller <
mailitem.Attachments.Count; teller++)
MAPI.Attachment att =
MAPI.Fields fields = (MAPI.Fields)att.Fields;
MAPI.Field field =
if ((string)field.Value ==
field =
(MAPI.Field)fields.get_Item(0x3712001F, null);
CID = (string)field.Value;
field =
(MAPI.Field)fields.get_Item(0x37140003, null);
if (!CID.StartsWith(attachment.FileName)
&& (int)field.Value !=4)
retval = true;
if (attachment.Type ==
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlAttachmentType.olByValue && CID ==
retval = true;
return retval;
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