Trying to learn more about recordsets



This works (ergo, the recordset variable is legitimate)
li_safety = lrst_Scores![Safety]

'But this one returns error 424 'Object required'
li_safety = rst_Scores.Fields.Count

How come? From the help it looks like it should return the number of fields
in a row of the records set.


Yes, indeed. Thanks.

That's the thing I miss most about working remotely....
"Over-the-shoulder-debugging." Sometimes only other eyes can see the
problem you've been staring at for a half hour.

Wayne Morgan said:
Could it be a typo? You've spelled the name differently in each.

Wayne Morgan
MS Access MVP

Laurel said:
This works (ergo, the recordset variable is legitimate)
li_safety = lrst_Scores![Safety]

'But this one returns error 424 'Object required'
li_safety = rst_Scores.Fields.Count

How come? From the help it looks like it should return the number of fields
in a row of the records set.

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