Trying to move a picture from one page to another page of a doc



I have office 2007 and I have a document that has I guess you could call it a
header of some sort, like this: Happy Birthday, now under happy birthday is
about 5 lines of text explaining about what a birthday is. now i have about
15 of these headers and at the end of page one the header is at the bottom of
page one but then due to the size of paper (regular size) the text under it
is on the top of page two so i need to some how copy and paste the header
from the bottom of page one to the top of page two. now you can actually see
what I am talking about if you go to my web site at and
click on the tab on the left called PRODUCT DESCRIPTION and that will bring
up all 28 items and the first one is called (you can do anything) with a
description underneath it and a picture of the item to the left of it that i
took out and at the bottom of the description it has 4 tabs to click on, i
took those out so all i want to do is take that box that said you can do
anything and move it to page two. I can fit about 4-5 items on a page so the
4th or 5th item is the one that is cut off between pages. so how do i move
that header to the next page so it is on the same page of the description of
that item. I hope i havent confused you. hard to explain.

Herb Tyson [MVP]

Does inserting a manual page break not work? Press Ctrl+Enter right before
the item you want to appear on the next page.

I found your discussion confusing since there is a specific Word-based
meaning for the word "header" which does not match what you're talking
about--only one Word header per page--so I never did understand what you
were talking about. However, unless you're talking about graphics that have
been anchored to a specific page, I would think that Ctrl+Enter should do
the trick.

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