Trying to Publish



I have tried to publish my website created in Publisher 2003 and have gone
back and read all the how to's etc... but surly I'm missing something - it
keeps telling me that it cannot save a "read only file" what did I do wrong
or more importantly how can I fix it. Thanks - I did try to do this on my
own but I'm hopeless.


Oh yeah - 2003 version - - by ftp (I tried it the
other way too.) I looked for some of the links that you had given before but
could not find them. My hosting is through godaddy - if that is helpful. I
can't remember what else you need, but I would really appreciate your help.


There are several possibilities, but my understanding is that the files on
your web server, are set to "read only"
to keep them from being overwritten. I have read that if you logon to your
website and the control panel, you may be able to reset the "permissions"
for those files, or you can ask your webhost for assistance.

The other explanation that I have read (from Rob) is that you are getting
"read only" because you tried to use FTP uploading, and you corrupted the

If you are using a form in your site, then you will need to use HTTP
uploading protocol, and the FPSE. If not, then you can use FTP. Read over
the articles in the following link about uploading, and you may need to
logon to your host and delete the existing index.htm and index_files folder,
if you can't reset the permisssions, and upload fresh files. Be careful
about deleting any other files as they are probably there for your webstat
logs, etc.


I went to the control panel and looked around I couldn't find anywhere it
would say read only. Forms? I don't have anytype of form that I know other
than the templates from publisher ie: product list, pages, etc... nothing
that looks like a form. I also opened and read thru all the suggested option
files and everything is set as suggested. I'm at a loss right now, but did
notice in the files that it has saved my pics don't look like they are going
to show up. But I guess I'll cross that road when I get there. Any other
suggestions as to what I can do. Thanks

Mike Koewler

Have you tried publishing to your local hard drive, preferably an empty
folder? Or are you trying to publish directly to Godaddy?

Sort of shooting at the stars and hoping to hit something here, but some
web hosts use framesets to contain users' sites. Users need to publish
to a very specific directory or folder, although I would think you would
get a different message if you picked the wrong folder.

If you can publish to disk (HD), I would contact Godaddy and ask them
how to upload your files.




I talked with godaddy and what they said is that all my files are there, but
there is no index file (for the home page) - also he said that all of my
photos, etc.. are sitting in a folder and not to the root - he also said he
didn't know how to use publisher so he didn't know how to tell me to create a
home page (index) page. And when I look in my publisher program I now have 3
files with .pub, .htm and .mht. Can you tell me how to create a home page
index file. Thanks


When you Publish to the Web from Publisher, it produces an index.htm file
and a index_files folder unless you change the default settings. The
index.htm file is your home page, and your other pages and graphics are
contained in the index_files folder. As Mike suggested, Publish to the Web,
and direct your html output to a folder on your hard drive where you can
find it. Then open those files and look at them. Your goal is to upload both
the index.htm file and the index_files folder to the root directory for your
website on GoDaddy.

From what you have written here it appears that you did not upload the
Publisher HTML files to the correct place on GoDaddy's servers. As the tech
said, he found your files, but not in the root directory. Go back and read
the directions given to you from GoDaddy as to where EXACTLY to upload your
files. Change your FTP or HTTP address...the path to the root
directory...the root folder...the root can be called a number of
things. You didn't say anything about which uploading protocol you are
using, but since you are not using a form, then try the FTP directions.
Chances are you have broken the FPSE, so skip HTTP for now and concentrate
on FTP. And as I said before, eventually you need to log on to your webhost
and find the files that you uploaded before and delete them, as the tech
said they are not in the root dirctory and are just taking up space. Once
again, read the directions on how to log on to your webhost, and access your
control panel. GoDaddy has very good instructions for how to upload your
site, and even gives you a link to other FTP programs such as Filezilla. You
just need to read the directions until you understand them:
and this one:
and several other good articles. And here is another article about
Prepare, publish, and maintain your Publisher Web site:
and go back and read the troubleshooting article by David Bartosik.



ok - I am up and running - thank you for your help - I'm sure I'll be back as
I still don't know what I'm doing. But, I did figure out about the "read
only" I origianlly started building my site on my laptop and then moved to
my other computer - so I went back in and saved it under an another name
because it was a read only file. After I saved it under a new name it
allowed me to upload the files. Thanks for all the links - I have read all
of them and I know that I will be using them greatly. Thanks Again


Du'oh...sometimes I don't see the forest for the trees. I didn't think about
the more obvious reason for why your files were read only. Any time you
write to CD, the files will become read only. If you copy them back to your
hard drive, right click, properties, you can change that read only setting.

Thanks for posting back.



from what screen do you right click? I tried it after I opened the project
and properties does not come up.


ok - I know I'm being really stupid, but when I open publisher and see the
files on the bottom left hand side - before I open the file I try to right
click on it and it does nothing. I guess this shouldn't be this hard, but i
am now tying to make some corrections and the file won't let me upload again
because it says the renamed file is now read only . Do you mind helping with
the simply things. Thanks


You need to slow down a bit, and read directions more carefully.;-) As I
said, you right click the Pub file BEFORE you try to open it. Open either
Windows Explorer (read carefully now...I said Windows Explorer, not Internet
Explorer), or My Computer and browse to where you stored your Pub file on
your computer. When you find the file, then right click it > properties.
Down at the bottom of the dialog is Attributes. Uncheck Read Only. Click OK.

Also, you may have problems opening the files from within Publisher if you
saved the files to a different location on your computer, so go up to File >
Open and browse to the location where your Pub file is, and open it that
way. Then in the future you SHOULD be able to open it from the list of
recently opened files at the bottom of Publisher.

And while I am at it, another article you should read soon: Compress
graphics file sizes to create smaller Publisher Web pages:

Good luck.


Mike Koewler

One of the wonders (and pitfalls) of web hosts is that while it may make
sense to upload files to usually they need uploaded to (or html_public, public_html or one of another
dozen folders). Yes, this stuff is usually printed, but in these days,
who reads the manual?!

FWIW, I think we have all been where you just trod. That's what makes
NGs so useful - people have experienced what is new to someone else.

Also, FWIW, there is a progression almost all web designers go through.
Once you get past the newbie stage, there is one called "educated
idiot." We think we know all there is to know about designing and
uploading, only to find out we don't really know squat about anything
but the basics. Besides the references David gave you, don't be afraid
to use the help files and ask GoDaddy for advice. They may not know
Publisher and exactly how it operates, but they can give you real good
guidlelines and in the process keep hair in your head!


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