Trying to pull date from field getting error.


Bill R


This is my formula, and it works but instead of entering the date (2005,1,1)
manually I want it to pull from cell (H2) but when I reference (H2) I get an
error message telling me that I have too many arguments. How can I make this


did you enter
or ...360(date(H2),X1...

Why are you using the ...Sum...


does 'datevalue (h2)' help?

It gets rid of the need to split up months and stuff.

Differences between datevalues give you the number of days

Bill R

When I do as you suggest I get a message telling me that I am using too many
arguments. The SUM is being used because I need the sum of the formula.

Bill R

The last part of the formula dosen't work when I replace 'date' with
'datavalue'. There has got to be a way to code the formula to simple take the
'2005,1,1' from the H2 field and insert it into the formula. Any other ideas?

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