Trying to rename query



I'm trying to rename a query. I right click on the name and choose Rename.
However, the box only stays open for a second and I don't have enough time to
actually type anything.


Dirk Goldgar

blemerson said:
I'm trying to rename a query. I right click on the name and choose Rename.
However, the box only stays open for a second and I don't have enough time
actually type anything.

I haven't heard of this particular phenomenon, but it sounds a bit like what
happens when you try to edit code when you have a form running with an
active Timer event. Do you have a form open (maybe hidden) with a Timer


I don't think so. That sounds like it's over my head so not likely that I
have that going on.

Dirk Goldgar

blemerson said:
I don't think so. That sounds like it's over my head so not likely that I
have that going on.

Well, I don't know then. Is it possible your mouse is jumpy (due to a loose
mouse wheel, or a twitchy hand, or something)? If you don't have your hand
on the mouse, does it happen? You can try selecting the query and then
taking your hand off the mouse and pressing F2 to trigger the rename.

What version of Access are you using?


The F2 worked! Thank you so much, this has been bothering me for quite a while.

I'm pretty sure my mouse is ok since everything else seems to work. I'm in
Access 2007.

Dirk Goldgar

blemerson said:
The F2 worked!

I'm pretty sure my mouse is ok since everything else seems to work. I'm in
Access 2007.

I don't know what was causing the problem, then. I haven't worked enough
with A2007 to know if there's some problem with renaming via mouse -- I
don't think it has come up. If it works when your hand isn't on the mouse,
though, I still have to wonder if there's something about the mouse that's

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