trying to update a cell with new data based on vlookup functions



I am very confused and don't know if what I want to do is even possible.
I have a spreadsheet that tracks pool handicaps and match scores. I have
sheets called System, Handicaps, Schedule (with player roster included),
Match 1, Match 2, Match 3, Match 4, Match 5 and Match 6. The match sheets
are all automated so the player ID is put in and the Name and Handicap auto
populate. By putting a W or L in the win lose column the score is updated.
What I need to do if it is possible is to update the handicaps on the
handicaps sheet. I have tried to get my head around it but I can't get it
figured out. I have a formula that will change the handicap for 1 game but
then I need that value returned to the Handicaps sheet to calculate any
subsequent games played by the same player. The formula that I use right now
is on the match sheets.
=IF(G16 = "W", VLOOKUP(C16,Handicaps,3,FALSE) + VLOOKUP(L16 -
Z16,System,2,FALSE), VLOOKUP(C16,Handicaps,3,FALSE) + VLOOKUP(L16 -
Z16,System,3,FALSE)). Is there a way to update the handicaps 3 value without
using VBA. If so is there a way to do it without changing the value of the
previous calculation.

I hope this information is understandable to you. Thank you in advance
for any help you may offer.

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