Document is to be a membership list for a club. I have laid it out 8.5
x 11 portrait. In order for it to fold card-style I have inserted a
graphic (upside down) and a table (with rows) so the front cover when
folded is the graphic and the back cover is the table lines for notes.
Here is my problem. Below the graphic/table I want to use columns so
the membership list will wrap on the lower half of the page so the list
will be on the inside of the page when folded. I have created the
columns and the associated tabs. used the mail mege wizard to indicate
the merge is to be a list and accessed my data source (an Access
database). I have formatted the columns with tabs so the data will be
aligned correctly. The test shows the first record fine but when I
continue to the new document the data appears at the top of the page
with a new page for every entry rather than the list I am trying to
I have also tried using sections thinking I needed to start a new
section on the page for where the columns and fields are defined. If I
create the merge on a blank document (without the graphic and the
table) the merge is fine.
Any suggestions or assistance would be greatly appreciated!! Many
x 11 portrait. In order for it to fold card-style I have inserted a
graphic (upside down) and a table (with rows) so the front cover when
folded is the graphic and the back cover is the table lines for notes.
Here is my problem. Below the graphic/table I want to use columns so
the membership list will wrap on the lower half of the page so the list
will be on the inside of the page when folded. I have created the
columns and the associated tabs. used the mail mege wizard to indicate
the merge is to be a list and accessed my data source (an Access
database). I have formatted the columns with tabs so the data will be
aligned correctly. The test shows the first record fine but when I
continue to the new document the data appears at the top of the page
with a new page for every entry rather than the list I am trying to
I have also tried using sections thinking I needed to start a new
section on the page for where the columns and fields are defined. If I
create the merge on a blank document (without the graphic and the
table) the merge is fine.
Any suggestions or assistance would be greatly appreciated!! Many