I have a table named "A/P Details". I am trying to access it using some of
the following code but it isn't reaching it. Can someone look at the code
for me to see if I am using correct syntax for the table name "A/P Details"
in the following two examples?
Example 1
ADOrs.Open "A/P_Details", mycon, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Example 2
lstboxFundTotals.RowSource = "SELECT LEFT(Account,2),
FORMAT(SUM(Amount),'currency') FROM A/P_Details WHERE ([Date]=[Text16]) GROUP
BY Left(Account,2) ORDER BY Left(Account,2) ASC;"
the following code but it isn't reaching it. Can someone look at the code
for me to see if I am using correct syntax for the table name "A/P Details"
in the following two examples?
Example 1
ADOrs.Open "A/P_Details", mycon, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Example 2
lstboxFundTotals.RowSource = "SELECT LEFT(Account,2),
FORMAT(SUM(Amount),'currency') FROM A/P_Details WHERE ([Date]=[Text16]) GROUP
BY Left(Account,2) ORDER BY Left(Account,2) ASC;"