TSIsoon Does NOT work reliably with Access XP or 2002 on XP



Hi I just want it to be known after wasting TOO many hours. TSIsoon
Does NOT work reliably with Access XP or 2002 on XP to close one
database and open another. It will work the first few times and then
it will start giving you the error Access has encountered a problem
etc...and GPFs. I took Sandra Daigle's recommendation and now regret
after not digging to see if anyone else had problems. It turns out
another gentlemen confirmed the same problem January 30, 2006. We have
the same problem RzB was having in 2002.

Would be helpful if Michael Kaplan would update the readme so it does
not say:




As this is definitely not the case.



p.s. The error occurs as soon as you try exit Access whether it's
through vb or the menu or whatever.

Sandra Daigle

Hi Jennifer,

I'm sorry you are having problems using something which I recommended. Since
I haven't posted on TSIsoon in several years I can only assume that you got
my recommendation from a cached thread. As you already know we never did
resolve RzB's issue. I still have it in my applications and don't have any
problems using it in Access 2003 on WinXP. I've used it consistently since
Access97 with no problems but it may depend on how you are using it. What
are you trying to do? Maybe I or someone else can give you some other
recommendations on how to accomplish your goal without using TSISoon.


Hi Sandra,

So the funny thing is I was able to make it crash on exit or not
depending if I had a form selected in the Startup Form box. I was
hoping to use this as a backup strategy like Rzb. So the second
database for testing purposes, only contained a dummy form. If it
autoloaded the form it would crash on exit, if it didn't it worked
fine. However, I then did the reverse and reopened my original
database which autoloads a switchboard, and I could exit no problem!
very odd behavior. I did consider your suggestion on using a separate
backup application. But now it seems to be *somewhat* working! I can
run backup code when the user manually opens my "backup form". If I
don't go this route I may investigate simply using file copy to copy
the backend data. Not sure if Rzb got somewhere with that. Didn't
search. Btw, I didn't think I was looking at cached copy, unless
that's what google groups uses for searching the groups.


Sandra Daigle

Hi Lucy,

Glad you are making some progress - I never heard anything else about it
(not that I recall anyway). I think Google Groups does cache the newsgroups
since you can find posts there that are no longer available on the
newsgroups themselves. Google Groups is an extremely valuable resource so
I'm glad you've found it and use it.

One other thing for you to consider if possible - in Access 2003 there is
built-in backup capability (File->Backup database). Unfortunately I haven't
found a way to automate this functionality - it may be there but I haven't
found it yet.

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