Truth is, we "understand" that you 'want' Mac Office in Turkish. We get it.
So does Microsoft!
Microsoft "has" transferred its available experience to the Mac. You can
buy a copy of Windows and a copy of Word 2007 and it will work just fine in
Turkish on a Mac.
But "Word" is not providing the Turkish in PC Office, Windows does that.
And in Windows, they have Software Activation encryption. That is a very
successful technology: it means nearly every copy of the latest versions is
paid for: it is nearly impossible to pirate. The price of Windows in
English-speaking markets was reduced 500 per cent when Activation was
introduced because all users began to pay for the software
What you want is "Microsoft Office for Mac in Turkish". That's a whole
different deal. Instead of making Word, running on Windows, utilise the
Windows language extensions, you now want Word, running on a Mac, under Unix
to use Mac OS X's language extensions.
It would cost as much to make that, as it did to make the Windows version.
You can't just drag the code over and re-compile: the two systems are
nothing alike, you have to re-design and re-write from scratch. In the case
of adding a language, you have to rewrite almost the whole application,
because the language of the interface appears everywhere.
There are just not enough customers using Macintosh in Turkish to justify
the cost. Especially since you say most of them don't pay for the software.
So: You may not like the answer, but that's the answer. Microsoft is
continuously evaluating which languages in which to release software. We
got more languages in this version than we did last time. Turkish is ALWAYS
considered, along with Arabic and the other RTL languages.
But each time they do this calculation (each version) they count up the
number of Mac customers in the market, subtract the proportion that use
pirated versions, then divide the cost of producing the language by that
number; and add the result to the base cost of Office. As soon as that sum
results in a figure less than about $500 US dollars, you will get your
language produced.
Sorry: I can't change the realities of the world. Microsoft is a
profit-making corporation, and its shareholders won't let it give stuff away
for free.
Oh, and by the way: Word is not available in my native language either

Not on the Mac.
I think there is a misunderstanding. We have a Turkish version of Office and
many MS products but only for Windows not for Mac. Without numbers related to
statistics, there is no need to go on such a discussion.
By the way, thanks for the recommendation Mr. McGhie but as a user who have a
chance to use the software you need in your own language, I do not expect you
to understand me and other Turkish Mac users who wants to use MS products. The
matter is just a simple failure to transfer the available experience to
another platform. If pirate copies are one of the reasons for not bringing out
a software that has the target language's abilities, there is no need to bring
out it even in English. Just for this case, compare the number of speakers of
English and that of Turkish and those who uses the pirate applications. I am
sure the number of the former is going to be much more bigger than the latter.
Don't wait for your answer, click here:
Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Nhulunbuy, NT, Australia. mailto:
[email protected]