turn off hotkeys or shortcuts?



I am a transcriptionist so I type rather fast. Perhaps that it the problem,
I am not sure. As I am typing, several times throughout my document, I will
accidently hit some annoying hotkey that will pop up a tool box. Sometimes
it is the Research box, sometimes is it a hyperlink box, sometimes it is
others. It is popping up simply when I use my shift key. I thought I may be
hitting control+shift on accident, so I manually went through all keyboard
shortcuts and deleted them all. But it is still happening, so I now know it
is only because I am using my shift key, such as at the beginning of a
sentence. This is the most annoying feature ever, and I can't seem to get
rid of it! I can't tell if it is happening when I hold my shift key for an
extra second or what, because I can't seem to MAKE it happen, it only happens
when I do not want it to!


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Ctrl+K is assigned to Insert Hyperlink. The only shortcut for the Research
pane that I know of is Alt+Click, so I'm not sure how you're getting that


I know exactly what you are talking about. I have had nothing but problems
with this since the upgrade. Since I'm responsible for overseeing others
(and finding solutions to problems such as these) I've spent several hours in
the last week to find a solution. So far, nothing has worked.

Can anyone please advise...
= = = = = = = = = = = = =

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You can unassign keyboard shortcuts. You can also disable AutoCorrect, but I
suspect as a transcriptionist you probably use that feature heavily.


Everything that can be disabled has been disabled.
I have deleted ALL keyboard shortcuts.
I have disabled every "auto" feature that can be disabled.
It's still a recurring problem.
Any other suggestions?


I went through the list of keyboard shortcuts and assigned a blank macro to
each one.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

That wasn't really necessary. All you have to do is click Remove for the
assignment to a given command. FWIW, I think this is extremely shortsighted,
and it obviously hasn't helped your situation.


I disagree - it wasn't short sighted, it was desperation.

Is there anyone else who has a suggestion other than what's already been

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Sometimes the only solution is to observe the typist who is reporting
problems. You might be able to install some sort of key-logging software to
capture input that could be analyzed to see what's causing the problems.

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