Turn off pop up which appears when I type a date


David M

When I type a date eg 12 March 2007, a pop up window appears which reformats
the date to 2007-03-11 and asks that I press enter to insert. This is is
not what I want to do! I can get round it by insertinga space after the date
but I would much rather turn the pop up off. How do I do this?

I've turned off all the auto correct options I can find - I find these
intensely irritating as I'd much rather choose what to do myself - but it
makes no difference.

Herb Tyson [MVP]

These are controlled by AutoText settings, not AutoCorrect. Choose Insert -
AutoText - AutoText..., and remove the check next to "Show AutoComplete

Herb Tyson [MVP]

Oh. You didn't say you were using Word 2007.

In that case... oops. There is no option to turn it off in Word 2007.

But, on the bright side, sometimes it spontaneously stops working all by
itself. Keep your fingers crossed.

Perhaps Microsoft will add back the ability to control it. In the meantime,
just look away from the screen as you type the date. As long as you don't
press Enter, it won't automatically complete/convert the date for you.

David M

Thanks Herb - your help is appreciated.

Herb Tyson said:
Oh. You didn't say you were using Word 2007.

In that case... oops. There is no option to turn it off in Word 2007.

But, on the bright side, sometimes it spontaneously stops working all by
itself. Keep your fingers crossed.

Perhaps Microsoft will add back the ability to control it. In the meantime,
just look away from the screen as you type the date. As long as you don't
press Enter, it won't automatically complete/convert the date for you.

Herb Tyson MS MVP
Author of the Word 2007 Bible
Please respond in the newsgroups so everyone can follow along.


Thanks Herb - your help is appreciated.

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I hope and pray microsoft will give back to writers and users of this
program the basic ability to control how it works and what it shows.
I too find the 'auto' suggestions in Word to be maddening and
incredibly disruptive and annoying and also incredibly hard to turn
off or control. I cant believe there isnt simply a "clean" switch in
the options that turns off ALL auto-stuff (from auto bullets to auto
text replacing) and prevents ANY pop up from appearing on the screen
under ANY circumstances if it wasnt explicitly clicked and selected.


Microsoft is starting to remind me of Intuit: "take what we give
you...there's no changing it."

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