Turn off 'unread mail message' at logon screen?



I want to turn off the ' x unread mail message' on the logon screen. I can't
find any help in Outlook for this. The message continues to appears for days
after the message has been read.

K. Orland

This is for Windows XP, if you are using a different OS please advise.

Use TweakUI/Logon/Unread Mail and Repair/Unread Mail Count:


Disable Unread Mail on the Welcome Screen (Line 100):

To remove an account or to change the count manually:

Start>Run>Regedit>navigate to this key:

E-Mail Address]. In the right pane modify: Message Count, Change it to 0.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UnreadMail. In
the right pane modify: MessageExpiryDays Change it to 0.

Overview of Mail Notification Display on WinXP Welcome Screen

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