Turning off and keeping off auto calculation



I know you can turn off a spreadsheets auto calculate function by
Tool>Options>Calculation>Manual. However even after I saved the workbook
with this setting, when open it again, is reset itself to autocalc. How can I
switch off auto calc so it stays off.
Many thanks

Earl Kiosterud


If you open more than one workbook simultaneously, you can't. The first workbook's
Auto/Manual setting applies to all subsequently opened workbooks, and if any is saved, that
setting is saved with it. It's a serious problem. They plan to fix this in 2057.

You could put some code in the Workbook_Open routine to set it to manual, if you're willing
to do macro stuff, and macros have to be enabled.


At the beginning of each session of XL, the calc mode for *all* sheets in
that session is set by the *first* sheet opened.

You probably have many more sheets set to auto, which you tend to open

Just open that particular WB first, to retain the manual mode.

HOWEVER, that then makes any other sheets opened in that session "manual".

I've been told it's *still* that (stupid) way in XL07!

Bill Kuunders

I believe auto calc setting depends on the option in the last open workbook.
so, if you have more than one book open at the same time..............


If you save a *.xlt file in this location "C:\Documents and
Settings\%userid%\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART" Excel will start
with the last saved WB.

Bill Kuunders said:
I believe auto calc setting depends on the option in the last open workbook.
so, if you have more than one book open at the same time..............


Create a spreadsheet called Book1.xls. Set the calculation mode to manual,
then save the spreadsheet in C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office11\XLSTART. I'm assuming you are using Excel 2003. If not, then
the Office11 folder may be Office, or Office10. Each time you start Excel, it
will use the Book1 template and the calculation mode will be set to manual.

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