Turning off AutoCorrect/Grammer/Spelling for a block



Hi All

Im starting to get hacked off, when I want to paste in some code snippets
into a document, I am continually plauged by spelling and grammar errors as
you might imagine. Can I select a block of text and turn checking off for
that selection ?????


Jay Freedman

Define a style -- maybe name it Code -- and set its font and paragraph
formatting to what you want (for example, Courier New 10 pt, 0 pt Space
After, etc.). In the New Style dialog, click the Format button, select
Language from the menu, and check the box for "Do not check spelling or

Apply that style to each block of code you insert, and besides looking
right, it won't display any spelling/grammar errors. That won't affect text
with any other style.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

Tony Jollans

.... plauged by spelling and grammar errors as you might imagine.

Yes I can imagine <g>

Select the block of text and then Select Tools > Language > Set Language
from the Menu and check "Do not check "Do not check spelling or grammar" in
the Dialog.



Tony Jollans said:
.... plauged by spelling and grammar errors as you might imagine.

Yes I can imagine <g>

Select the block of text and then Select Tools > Language > Set Language
from the Menu and check "Do not check "Do not check spelling or grammar"
in the Dialog.

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