Sorry. I didn't get it. I;m using Word 2002. Does anyone know what's wrong with this code. I don't want the words " and " and "The system is able to provide 3 MB/s" to be highlighted
Any help would be greatly appreciated
With Selectio
' Sizing summar
.TypeText "The server sizing is largely dependent on the number of simultaneous " &
"retrievals from Vericis Workstations and the number of incoming studies from " &
"modalities. The system was sized to support
.Font.Bold = Tru
.TypeText "3
.Font.Bold = Fals
.TypeText " concurrent cath sessions (30 MB/s)
.MoveLeft wdWord, 10, wdExten
.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdRe
.Collapse wdCollapseEn
.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdNoHighligh
.TypeText "
.TypeText " and
.Font.Bold = Tru
.TypeText "3
.Font.Bold = Fals
.TypeText " concurrent echo sessions (30 MB/s)
.MoveLeft wdWord, 10, wdExten
.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdRe
.Collapse wdCollapseEn
.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdNoHighligh
.TypeText ". The system is able to provide
.Font.Bold = Tru
.TypeText "3
.Font.Bold = Fals
.TypeText " MB/s.
End With
Any help would be greatly appreciated
With Selectio
' Sizing summar
.TypeText "The server sizing is largely dependent on the number of simultaneous " &
"retrievals from Vericis Workstations and the number of incoming studies from " &
"modalities. The system was sized to support
.Font.Bold = Tru
.TypeText "3
.Font.Bold = Fals
.TypeText " concurrent cath sessions (30 MB/s)
.MoveLeft wdWord, 10, wdExten
.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdRe
.Collapse wdCollapseEn
.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdNoHighligh
.TypeText "
.TypeText " and
.Font.Bold = Tru
.TypeText "3
.Font.Bold = Fals
.TypeText " concurrent echo sessions (30 MB/s)
.MoveLeft wdWord, 10, wdExten
.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdRe
.Collapse wdCollapseEn
.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdNoHighligh
.TypeText ". The system is able to provide
.Font.Bold = Tru
.TypeText "3
.Font.Bold = Fals
.TypeText " MB/s.
End With