Does anyone know how to set a cell so that when you autofill down from
it, it *doesn't* increment the values?
F'r instance, you have 1 in the top cell, want to autofill down 20 rows
but have 1 in all of them, not 1-20.
I'm using Excel 2000 and I know about holding ctrl down while I
autofill to turn this feature on and off. But some cells with 1 in them
do it and some don't and I can't figure out how to change them!
it, it *doesn't* increment the values?
F'r instance, you have 1 in the top cell, want to autofill down 20 rows
but have 1 in all of them, not 1-20.
I'm using Excel 2000 and I know about holding ctrl down while I
autofill to turn this feature on and off. But some cells with 1 in them
do it and some don't and I can't figure out how to change them!