Joel M. Eichen D.D.S.
Use Paste Special and paste as "unformatted text." Then the pasted
text will acquire the formatting style of your document!
Joel M. Eichen, D.D.S.
Philadelphia PA
We’re Just A Duck Call Away!
meaning no one IN PENNSYLVANIA
has seen the tooth or teeth in
question so take this advice in
proper context ~ its the internet!
We is guessin'!
text will acquire the formatting style of your document!
I do a lot of cutting and pasting from one document to
another. Often when I paste the new text its font and
format have changed or it changes into bold or underlined
text etc. I spend a huge amount of time reformatting
everything. How can I make sure that the font I'm looking
at in the original document is the one that appears when I
paste it? (I never had this problem when I used
Ideally I would like to get rid of styles altogether - I
can tell Word what font and formatting I want and where
and I don't want it to try and be "helpful" and predict
things for me (most of the time it gets it wrong).
Joel M. Eichen, D.D.S.
Philadelphia PA
We’re Just A Duck Call Away!
meaning no one IN PENNSYLVANIA
has seen the tooth or teeth in
question so take this advice in
proper context ~ its the internet!
We is guessin'!