genc ymeri
I'm reading MSDN in web and as it says in order to turn off the Shape Search
of Window Management is to write this command.
Windows(1).ItemFromID(Visio.visWinIDShapeSearch).Visible = False;
My Visio2003 ActiveX on a C# form is named axVSDrawing. I tried to call the
above command but I'm not sure how can I get the reference or access to that
I tried
axVSDrawing.Document.Application.Window.Windows(1),,, etc but I
can't fet the ItemFromID methode/property.
Any help it will be greatly appreciated
of Window Management is to write this command.
Windows(1).ItemFromID(Visio.visWinIDShapeSearch).Visible = False;
My Visio2003 ActiveX on a C# form is named axVSDrawing. I tried to call the
above command but I'm not sure how can I get the reference or access to that
I tried
axVSDrawing.Document.Application.Window.Windows(1),,, etc but I
can't fet the ItemFromID methode/property.
Any help it will be greatly appreciated