Since I gave you the code, I will reply...and tell you to forget that code.
It is designed to open the links in a new window, and you just want to open
a page on your site in the same window. So, instead use this:
<form name="jump">
<p align="center">
<select name="menu">
<option selected>Choose State</option>
<option value="">Alaska</option>
<option value="">Yahoo</option>
<option value="">Microsoft</option>
<input type="button"
Copy all the code between the lines, and paste in Notepad. It will be easier
for you to rewrite it there, and then save it for future use.
But to get an idea of how it works and will look, just open your Pub file
and go to the page where you want to insert it. Then copy the code snippet,
go to Insert > html code fragment > and use CTRL + V to paste it in the code
fragment box. OK. Then resize the code fragment box so that it is a little
bigger than the drop down box that will be produced, and make sure it is
wide enough that the Go button is to the side. Then drag the box to where
you want it to appear on your page. Choose an empty spot...not in a text
box, picture or any other design element. Then do a web page preview. The
first link will not work, but try clicking on the Yahoo choice, and clicking
Go. You may need to do some webpage previews to figure out how big and how
wide to make the code fragment box.
I changed "Choose State" for your use, but you could put any text in that
part of the code. Then if you look at the first choice for Alaska, you
switch out '' for your domain. Be sure to use index_files and
not index files.
Now, I also made another change that will make it easier for you in the long
run. Right now when you publish to the web, each page of your site is given
an arbitrary page name such as "Page354.htm", but you have the option to
change that. Go to the page that has your Alaska details. Go to Tools > Web
Page Options. On that dialog, under Publish to the Web, and in the File Name
field put "Alaska". Now when you publish to the web, you will create a page
Alaska.htm instead of Page354.htm or some other hard to remember file name.
Go through each of your State pages and do the same, and then you are ready
to build your code snippet.
As I said open NotePad and work there rather than try to do this in the code
fragment box. After you change the domain name in the link to your Alaska
page, copy that line of code and paste it 49 more times below it, just as
you see the links to Yahoo and Microsoft, and of course delete those two
lines. Then go through them one at a time, and change out Alaska and
Alaska.htm for your other states. When you are done, save the NotePad file
so you don't have to redo all of this, copy all the code and paste it into
your Publisher page, and you should be good to go.