Two calendars management of two different mail domains




My question goes someting like this;

We have a client in our organization, "Office1" that has trouble in her
Outlook when she tries to send a meeting request. The error is;

"The reminder for the meeting will not appear since the item is not on your
calendar or your task folder"

Then, she has to manually add the MR on her calendar.

I've investigated further and found out that she has 2 calendars. One is
from "Office1" and the other is from "Office2". Office 2 is from a different
She has complete rights over her calendar at Office2, able to modify and add
schedules to it.

Now, my question is this; Is there a way to remedy this? Its really a pain
for her since everytime she has to accept/send a meeting, she has to manually
add the schedule to both of her calendars.



I work in a small organazation and we had the same problem which we
failed to solve using Outlook.

Now, we use program cutereminder, and are able to send reminders to
each other, set deadlines for them, and you can see them also on your
desktop (this is very convenient if you are a boss :)))

You can try it

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