Background: My form has a subform each have seperate tables. The subform is
for multiple entries linked to the main form/record. The challenge started
with the need to generate letters (reports). In a text box, in the letter, I
coded some conditions like:" & IIf([CA_NAME]="IR","Internal Review
Committee"). I also needed to allow the user to enter data that would appear
on the letter (report) so I created a form from a new table. The user enters
the data in this new form which is linked to the record. Note: The Letter
(report) is made from a query that has all three tables.
The problem is, when I print the letter, it prints a copy for every entry on
the subform.
So I added a date field on the form that the user enters the date related to
the subform entry and I am trying to link that date so it will only print the
information based on that one subform entry.
I hope this is not too confusing.
Bottom line, my print button criteria needs to have two criteria:
1. stLinkCriteria = "[ICNNO]=" & "'" & ICNNO & "'"
2. stLinkCriteria2 = "[CA_DATEFRWD]=" & "'" & CA_DATEFRWD & "'"
But even with this I still get a print for every subform entry.
Please help!
for multiple entries linked to the main form/record. The challenge started
with the need to generate letters (reports). In a text box, in the letter, I
coded some conditions like:" & IIf([CA_NAME]="IR","Internal Review
Committee"). I also needed to allow the user to enter data that would appear
on the letter (report) so I created a form from a new table. The user enters
the data in this new form which is linked to the record. Note: The Letter
(report) is made from a query that has all three tables.
The problem is, when I print the letter, it prints a copy for every entry on
the subform.
So I added a date field on the form that the user enters the date related to
the subform entry and I am trying to link that date so it will only print the
information based on that one subform entry.
I hope this is not too confusing.
Bottom line, my print button criteria needs to have two criteria:
1. stLinkCriteria = "[ICNNO]=" & "'" & ICNNO & "'"
2. stLinkCriteria2 = "[CA_DATEFRWD]=" & "'" & CA_DATEFRWD & "'"
But even with this I still get a print for every subform entry.
Please help!