strwhere = "area_mensbballocker = " & True _
& " AND " _
& "[EventDate1] between #" & Me.txtStartDate & "# AND #"
& Me.txtEndDate & "#"
for a given date period. The following code is what I
have used on other forms that works great:
possible? I hope this makes sense.
& " AND " _
& "[EventDate1] between #" & Me.txtStartDate & "# AND #"
& Me.txtEndDate & "#"
-----Original Message-----
I have a form that opens a report depending on the option selected from the combo box.
The combo box opens a report for rooms in use depending
range can be entered and display all activity in that roomCase "area_mensbballocker"
strwhere = "area_mensbballocker = " & True
DoCmd.OpenReport "RPT_rooms", acViewPreview, , strwhere
The area is a check box data field. This works perfect.
I want to be able to set a date range also so that a data
for a given date period. The following code is what I
have used on other forms that works great:
Me.txtStartDate & "# AND #" & Me.txtEndDate & "#"strwhere = "[EventDate1] between #" &
boxes used to enter the date range.DoCmd.OpenReport "Rpt_MonthlyUse", acViewPreview, , strwhere
txtStartDate and txtEndDate are the names for the text
field to handle the 2 different criteria? Is this evenThe question I have is how do I combine the strwhere
possible? I hope this makes sense.