Two lines with a different x-series (please help)



I would greatly appriciate any help I could get on this

I am trying two plot two different lines on the same chart
line 1 Line 2
X axis Y axis X axis Y axi
0 1.32 0 1.3
8.83 21.22 12.5 23.5

I have no problem with the chart accepting the new Y values (as a different series) but as you probably know you can only have 1 catagory x label so my chart does not show the second line extending out to 12.5 it only extends to 8.83 on a different slope and stops. How do I get it to accept the addittional x value and still have to seperate lines? Thank yo

Debra Dalgleish

Select the data for the second line
Choose Edit>Copy
Select the chart
Choose Edit>Paste Special
Select 'New Series' and 'Categoreis(X Values) in first column'
Click OK

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