Two one-to-many ?



Is it possible to have one Table, (let's call it A,) related to two
tables, (B and C,) both of which have would have a one-to-many
relationship. "A" being the one and "B" and "C" being the many. If so
is there anyting I need to watch for? I have never had a need for this
one but thought I would ask before I started testing.

Thanks in Advance.

Van T. Dinh

There are a lot of cases where you can have the 1 "One" Table related to 2
or more Tables. For example, I may have a tblProduct related to:

* tblFormulation: formulaes to manufacture the Products.
* tblPrices: prices for the Products, e.g. I may want to keep history of
prices I charge or I may want to charge different prices to different
* tblOrderDetail: customer order items ordering Products.
* etc...

However, it should ne noted that the "Many" Tables are used for distinct and
different entities. If two Tables have the same structures, it is possible
that they are different types of the same entity and in this case, they
should be merged into "One".

Perhaps, if you describle the entities then someone will suggest whether
they should be stored in the same "Many" Table or not.


Thanks this helps. The tables I am looking at may need the inefficient
design but its too long to go into. But thanks for the help.

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