Two problems sorting a database containing pictures


Peter Rooney

Good morning, all - hope someone can help.

I have a product database in B7:L46 with headers in row 6. Column B contains
the Product ID and Column D contains a picture of each product. The pictures
are formatted to "Move and Size with cells".

When I click on B7 (the first field Header - Product ID) and do Data Sort,
the sort highlight only goes as far as column I, even though the database
follows the normal rule of no blank columns and field headers for each
column, with the whole database bordered by empty rows and columns.

THEN (as if it couldn't get any worse), if I do a GoTo or select the data
manually, then sort, all columns are correctly included in the sort
highlight, but when I sort on column B (Product ID), the pictures in column
D stay where they are, instead of being sorted with their respective rows.

I'm not sure if the two problems are related in any way, but I'd really
appreciate some advice as to what's causing either, or preferably both of

As always, thanks in advance for your interest and help


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