Two pst files on Outlook



I want to have two pst files on my Outlook 2003 setup. Is this possible? Is
it possible to have 2 sets of rules?




Currently, I have a Server with Outlook email going into it and also my own
PC with email going into that. I want to keep both seperate but have them on
the same PC, but into their own Inboxes as in the current setup. I don't
want them all going into the same Inbox.


Generally OL2007 has the capability of separate pst's with there own default
folder sets, OL 2003 does not.
Having said that, what you mean by Server might have some baring, as also
the type of mail accounts.
In general terms you add mail accounts to outlook, then possibly create
folders and use rules to file incoming/outgoing mail as appropriate.

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