Two SubForms and SetFocus



I have trouble trying to setfocus to a text object in a second subform. I
have no problem setting focus to any text objects in the first level a
subform, but the subform within it, I failed.

Here is the scenario, say I have FORM_A from the beginning, which contains
a subform container, named SubFormContainerFirst, and this
SubFormContainerFirst is associated with FORM_B, and it has an text object
named Text_B
In FORM_B, I have the second subform container, named
SubFormContainerSecond, and this is associated with a form called FORM_C.

If I have a text object named Text_C in FORM_C,
Would you be able to show me how to setfocus to it?

My successful attempt to setfocus on Text_B which is from
SubFormContainerFirst is:

Please let me know if I am not making clear to my question.

Thank you for your assistance.


I have trouble trying to setfocus to a text object in a second subform. I
have no problem setting focus to any text objects in the first level a
subform, but the subform within it, I failed.

Here is the scenario, say I have FORM_A from the beginning, which contains
a subform container, named SubFormContainerFirst, and this
SubFormContainerFirst is associated with FORM_B, and it has an text object
named Text_B
In FORM_B, I have the second subform container, named
SubFormContainerSecond, and this is associated with a form called FORM_C.

If I have a text object named Text_C in FORM_C,
Would you be able to show me how to setfocus to it?

My successful attempt to setfocus on Text_B which is from
SubFormContainerFirst is:

Please let me know if I am not making clear to my question.

Thank you for your assistance.

It will take three SetFocus lines when run from FORM_A:

hth - RuralGuy (RG for short)
Please post to the NewsGroup so all may benefit.


Thank you! It worked. Have a great day. Martin

You're very welcome. Glad I could help.
hth - RuralGuy (RG for short)
Please post to the NewsGroup so all may benefit.

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