two versions of the same document


Casper Feldmann


I was wondering if I could solve the following problem with Word.

I have two manuscripts. Manuscript A is shorter. Manuscript B contains
100% of Manuscript A but in addition has text blocks scattered in between.

I want to avoid having two files, since making a change to the
manuscript A would mean finding the exact same passage in manuscript B
and also changing it there, which can lead to mistakes. Is it therefore
possible to keep it all in one file and i.e. print two different
versions of the same document by “ignoring” certain passages. So I would
on the one hand print the manuscript omitting the “additions”
(manuscript A) and on the other print the whole thing including the
“additions” (manuscript B).

I though of doing this with comments, but that doesn’t seem like a
“clean” solution (because of the numbering, the initials, their position
in the text, etc). Is there a different way?

Thanks for your help!

Shauna Kelly

Hi Caspar

One way to do this is to mark the text that is to be in B but not A as
hidden (select the text then do Format > Font and tick the Hidden box). To
view A, at Tools > Options > Print, turn off hidden text. To view B, at
Tools > Options > Print, turn on hidden text. To print A, at Tools > Options
Print, turn off hidden text. To Print B, at Tools > Options > Print, turn
on hidden text.

This works well for viewing and printing, but if you ever have to send
document A to someone else, you'll have to delete all the hidden text. You
can do that in Edit > Find.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

Casper Feldmann

Hello Shauna!

GREAT... That was just what I was looking for!...

THANKS!... and have a great sunday...


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