Two WinXP Users have their wires (files) crossed.



I did not like the fact that my account was called with the name "Owner." So
I tried to change the name to <MyName> by creating another user called
<MyName> and
copying the "Documents and Settings" folder from "Owner" to <MyName>. (I
know, big mistake.) I then noticed that when I logged in as "Owner", some of
my system folders (e.g. Send To, Start Menu) being accessed were the ones in
the Document and Settings of <MyName>!!! Things have gotten crossed between
the two accounts.

I even deleted the <MyName> account andretained the files, but, when I log
in as "Owner", the references to its system folders persist.

How do I get the account "Owner" to look at only the files under
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\...???

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