Type Lag & Images


Mark L

I have a Word 2007 report with a large figure (PNG; 1929x2373 pixels; 1.01MB)
inserted into a report. When I type in the line following the figure I get
massive type lag.

I tried it on my pc, a PC with 2GB RAM, and a PC 3GB RAM. Every computer
duplicated the type lag.

I have determined that it is the figure causing the slowdown. When I take it
out or use draft mode, the type speed is fine. I can also save the document
as a Word 2003 doc file and the speed is also fine.

Is there a way to insert large images into reports and not have Word 2007
experience type lag? Any thoughts on solutions to this problem would be

I find saving an older file version, to be very frustrating as a solution.
Why did my company pay good money for a new edition of Word and new features
only to have it lag in performance behind Word 2003?

***System Specs***
Windows Vista Business 32 bit
Service Pack 1

Pentium 4 CPU 3.00 GHz
1.00 GB RAM

Douglas J. Steele

Sorry, but this newsgroup is for questions about Access, the database
product that's part of Office Professional.

You'd be best off reposting your question to a newsgroup related to Word.

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