Type mismatch compile error with recursive function - perplexed


Paul Schrum

MS Word 2007
I have limited experience programming Office applications. This is my
first effort with Word.

I have a recurrsive function which looks good on paper, but when I try
to run the macro I get
Compile error:
Type mismatch

The compiler highlites the first occurence of
recurseWriteFolderName (aFolder)

As you can see in the code below my sig, I have dim'd everything as

Note, I have activated the reference to the Microsoft Runtime
Scripting library.

- Paul Schrum

Dim count As Integer

Sub DirStructure()
count = 1

ThisDocument.Sections(1).Range.InsertAfter "test string"

Dim topLevelFolder As String
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim theFolders As Folders
Dim aFolder As Folder

topLevelFolder = "Q:\60146825\"
Set theFolders = fso.GetFolder(topLevelFolder).SubFolders
For Each aFolder In theFolders
recurseWriteFolderName (aFolder)

End Sub

Sub recurseWriteFolderName(aFolder_ As Folder)
writeLine aFolder_.Name

Dim subFolder As Folder
For Each subFolder In aFolder_.SubFolders
count = count + 1
If count > 1026 Then
End If
recurseWriteFolderName (subFolder)
End Sub

Sub writeLine(textToWrite As String)
ThisDocument.Sections(1).Range.InsertAfter textToWrite
End Sub

Tony Jollans

(aFolder) is not a Folder object!

The parentheses force evaluation of what's inside them, and, in this case, the evaluation process returns the default property of the aFolder object - a String (I guess, but haven't checked that Name is the default).

Just remove the parentheses, and code ...

recurseWriteFolderName aFolder

... and, similarly, for the recursive call ...

recurseWriteFolderName subFolder

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