Type Mismatch error in Word



Whenever I close Word 2000, I get a Run Time Error
13 'Type Mismatch'

At one point I loaded Word 2003, didn't like it and put
2000 back on. I can't figure it out nd know nothing about
VB. I have all service packs and updates installed.


It sounds like you have an addin of some kind running.
Start Word 2003 from the run line like this Winword /safe
or start Word 2000 from the run like with Winword /a
then close and see if you still get the error. If you don't, then something
is being loaded when Word starts.
It could be a template addin, a macro within the Normal.dot or a ComAddin.

Restart Word normally and look in Tools -> Templates and Addins
See if there are any Global Addins listed - if so, check the location of the
addin by highlighting it and look near the bottom of the dialog for the
location. Remove each listed Addin and see if you still get the error.

Do a Search on your system for Normal.dot - each one found rename to
something like 1normal.dot.
Test closing Word again.

After doing these steps you still get the error -

On the View Menu choose Toolbars and select Customize.
Click on the Commands Tab and Choose the Tools Category.
Look for ComAddins. When found drag to the menu bar and close the Customize
Click on the ComAddins button and see if there are comaddins installed.
If so and they are checked uncheck and close Word. If a comAddin is the root
cause, then you will need to remove or uninstall the ComAddin.

If you are still getting the error, it could be an installed ComAddin that
is not visible in the dialog.


that worked. Thanks a bunch!

-----Original Message-----
It sounds like you have an addin of some kind running.
Start Word 2003 from the run line like this Winword /safe
or start Word 2000 from the run like with Winword /a
then close and see if you still get the error. If you don't, then something
is being loaded when Word starts.
It could be a template addin, a macro within the Normal.dot or a ComAddin.

Restart Word normally and look in Tools -> Templates and Addins
See if there are any Global Addins listed - if so, check the location of the
addin by highlighting it and look near the bottom of the dialog for the
location. Remove each listed Addin and see if you still get the error.

Do a Search on your system for Normal.dot - each one found rename to
something like 1normal.dot.
Test closing Word again.

After doing these steps you still get the error -

On the View Menu choose Toolbars and select Customize.
Click on the Commands Tab and Choose the Tools Category.
Look for ComAddins. When found drag to the menu bar and close the Customize
Click on the ComAddins button and see if there are comaddins installed.
If so and they are checked uncheck and close Word. If a comAddin is the root
cause, then you will need to remove or uninstall the ComAddin.

If you are still getting the error, it could be an installed ComAddin that
is not visible in the dialog.

Harold Kless, MCSD
Support Professional
Microsoft Technical Support for Business Applications
(e-mail address removed)

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