Bob Quintal
=?Utf-8?B?VGhlTm92aWNl?= <[email protected]>
wrote in
I think what you want to do is trigger the email once you have
finished entering the workorder. One way to do that is have the
button save the record before it calls the query to send the
email. In order to save the workorder just put the following
statement in the button's on click event, before it runs the
emailing code.
me.dirty = false
is all it takes.
wrote in
Good day all,
I have a question that is puzzling me and need Help.
I have a form that I am using to track workorders, as I enter
the work order, I have it designed to send an e-mail. the
problem is that when I type in the form it doesn't
automatically write to the table.
the Query that is triggered once the Button is selected,
cannot ID the added fields until after the fact.
Can someone please shed some light?
I think what you want to do is trigger the email once you have
finished entering the workorder. One way to do that is have the
button save the record before it calls the query to send the
email. In order to save the workorder just put the following
statement in the button's on click event, before it runs the
emailing code.
me.dirty = false
is all it takes.