Typical Requirement



Hi All,

I got a typical requirement. Our client needs to create one and only one
form (Form.xml) out of a particular form template (Template.xsn). There will
be a total of 55 form templates. So there will be a total of 55 forms.
Now, the requirement is to save these 55 forms in one document library or
form library.. Is this possible..?
What I am trying to do is design a form template - publish it in a new doc
lib - create a new form (say Test1.xml) in that library and save it. Next I
am creating another template - publish it in the same doc lib by selecting
'Update existing Document Library'. At this point I see that my existing form
i.e Test1.xml has changed its template to the new template created...
How can I get to a proper solution... all suggestions are welcome...


Kalyan G Reddy MVP (GGK Tech)


As far as I understand you can have only one Template associated with
document Library. If you want the xml to be opened with old template, publsih
the old template again and relink the xml by going into Library settings


Thanks Kalyan,

So, there's no way I can save multiple forms (each based on a different
template) in a single document library...
Ok.. is there any way I can save the different form templates (not the
forms) in a single document library...?
If that's also not possible, then can I publish the form templates as
content type and save them in a single document library...?
Yor see, I have to come to a solution, anyhow...



Thanks Kalyan,

So, there's no way I can save multiple forms (each based on a different
template) in a single document library...
Ok.. is there any way I can save the different form templates (not the
forms) in a single document library...?
If that's also not possible, then can I publish the form templates as
content type and save them in a single document library...?
Yor see, I have to come to a solution, anyhow...



- Show quoted text -

You can publish your templates as content types, you can link to as
many as you want to a single doc library

Tony B

What you could think about is to create 1 form template out of those 55 forms
- import data sources definitions and create 55 views of same form.
Than you will have 55 forms in 1 form.

Maybe complicated, but possible. Requires some logic about how users will
select corect view.


Clay Fox

I think your requirements are not really possible with SharePoint. You could
do this via SharePoint and the Database Accelerator from http://www.qdabra.com
This allows multiple document types and then they could all be hyperlinked
from one SharePoint View or Library. Database Accelerator is a Web Service
Suite that would allow the templates and the xml to be contained in one
database and does not have any limitiations like SharePoint does for this
kind of requirement.

Clay Fox

Qdabra Software

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