


Is it possible to use the a UCase exprssion in a query to
change the case of a field and then use it to update the
table? If so how do I get it to update using a update
Thank you in advance.

Allen Browne

In query design view, select Update from the Query menu.
Access adds an Update row to the grid.

Assuming the field is named "City", you would enter this into the update row
under the City field:
Then run the query.


Thank you.
-----Original Message-----
In query design view, select Update from the Query menu.
Access adds an Update row to the grid.

Assuming the field is named "City", you would enter this into the update row
under the City field:
Then run the query.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Is it possible to use the a UCase exprssion in a query to
change the case of a field and then use it to update the
table? If so how do I get it to update using a update
Thank you in advance.


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