UDF, Array function, vertical output


Robin Hammond

This is probably a simple answer. I have a UDF that retrieves stock prices
from a database. The return values should obviously be laid out vertically.
The UDF is returning the correct values when entered horizontally, but will
only give the correct answers when I use Transpose(UDF) in a vertical

Am I missing something here? Is there a way to get an array based UDF to
work with vertical output without having to use the transpose function?


Robin Hammond

Myrna Larson

You can do the transpose inside the VBA, i.e.

Function GetPrices() As Variant
Dim V as Variant

'code here to load V with your array of prices here

GetPrices = Application.Transpose(V)
End Function

Or, depending on how the prices are returned from the database, you could Dim
and fill your own array:

Function GetPrices() As Double()
Dim i As Long
Dim Prices() As Double

ReDim Prices(1 To 3, 1 To 1)
For i = 1 To 3
Prices(i, 1) = Round(Rnd() * 50, 3)
Next i
GetPrices = Prices()
End Function

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