Sandy V
My UDF "Func1" accepts a range array as one of its arg's
and passes this to "Func2" for intermediate processing,
works fine, except...
If I cause a recalc of udf in a formula on Sheet2 correct
result is returned. However if I switch to Sheet1, cells
with this udf show errors. If I recalc (F9) the errors
revert to correct results. Calculation is automatic and
nothing "volatile" in the wb.
What appears to be happening is when I recalc the udf in
Sheet2, udf formulas on Sheet1 are also recalculated, but
the array arg that relates to the udf on Sheet2 is passed
to "Func2" when the udf's on Sheet1 are being calculated,
hence the errors.
Recalc on Sheet1 corrects, and udf's in formulas on Sheet2
remain correct. I don't think there is a circular issue.
Debug.? .Caller.Address shows udf's in Sheet1 are
calculated before those in Sheet2, even if I initiate the
recalc in Sheet2. Re-ordering the sheets, and/or renaming
in different alphabetical order makes no difference. And
finally, initiating a recalc on any other sheet, even one
without udf's, causes errors in udf's Sheet1 but not in
Sheet2. (Same scenario in XL97 & XL2K)
Hope this is not too convoluted!
TIA for any suggestions
and passes this to "Func2" for intermediate processing,
works fine, except...
If I cause a recalc of udf in a formula on Sheet2 correct
result is returned. However if I switch to Sheet1, cells
with this udf show errors. If I recalc (F9) the errors
revert to correct results. Calculation is automatic and
nothing "volatile" in the wb.
What appears to be happening is when I recalc the udf in
Sheet2, udf formulas on Sheet1 are also recalculated, but
the array arg that relates to the udf on Sheet2 is passed
to "Func2" when the udf's on Sheet1 are being calculated,
hence the errors.
Recalc on Sheet1 corrects, and udf's in formulas on Sheet2
remain correct. I don't think there is a circular issue.
Debug.? .Caller.Address shows udf's in Sheet1 are
calculated before those in Sheet2, even if I initiate the
recalc in Sheet2. Re-ordering the sheets, and/or renaming
in different alphabetical order makes no difference. And
finally, initiating a recalc on any other sheet, even one
without udf's, causes errors in udf's Sheet1 but not in
Sheet2. (Same scenario in XL97 & XL2K)
Hope this is not too convoluted!
TIA for any suggestions