I would like to write a user defined function that would return a 2
dimentional array of values based on the value of a supplied
parameter ... can anyone tell me how to do it?
Intuitively, although I know this is wrong, I would like to define a
function something like -
Public Function Arr(2,10)(byval Param as long) as variant
Where (2,10) are the dimensions of the array and Param is the supplied
decision parameter. If the syntax is corrected, can this be done??
As a supplementary, if this can be done can Arr be redimensioned
within the function to return a bespoke array without blank fields or
must he original size of Arr be generic and oversized to cover all
dimentional array of values based on the value of a supplied
parameter ... can anyone tell me how to do it?
Intuitively, although I know this is wrong, I would like to define a
function something like -
Public Function Arr(2,10)(byval Param as long) as variant
Where (2,10) are the dimensions of the array and Param is the supplied
decision parameter. If the syntax is corrected, can this be done??
As a supplementary, if this can be done can Arr be redimensioned
within the function to return a bespoke array without blank fields or
must he original size of Arr be generic and oversized to cover all