UDF to return text



Hi all, I'm trying to figure out how to make a UDF obtain a string
from any given cell, split and return the value depending on what the
user asks for.

For example.

Cell value in A1 = 233-2330100-100102-101-99999999-999999
There is 6 segments to this string....

The idea was that I would enter in cell A2


2 representing the second segement.

The UDF would be something like

Public Function CoA(account as string, xyz) as number
Select Case xyz
Case 1
CoA = left(account, 3)
Case 2
CoA = Mid(account, 7, 3)
Case n
CoA = n
End Select
End Function

I'm just struggling with what I need to include for it to work.


Forgone said:
Hi all, I'm trying to figure out how to make a UDF obtain a string
from any given cell, split and return the value depending on what the
user asks for.

For example.

Cell value in A1 = 233-2330100-100102-101-99999999-999999
There is 6 segments to this string....

The idea was that I would enter in cell A2


2 representing the second segement.

The UDF would be something like

Public Function CoA(account as string, xyz) as number
Select Case xyz
Case 1
CoA = left(account, 3)
Case 2
CoA = Mid(account, 7, 3)
Case n
CoA = n
End Select
End Function

I'm just struggling with what I need to include for it to work.

Try this out:

Function CoA(ByVal CellText As String, _
ByVal TheIndex As Long, _
Optional Delimiter As String = "-" _
) As String
Dim SplitText As Variant
SplitText = Split(CellText, Delimiter)
CoA = SplitText(TheIndex - 1)
End Function


Try this out:

Function CoA(ByVal CellText As String, _
              ByVal TheIndex As Long, _
              Optional Delimiter As String = "-" _
              ) As String
     Dim SplitText As Variant
     SplitText = Split(CellText, Delimiter)
     CoA = SplitText(TheIndex - 1)
End Function

It's coming up with #Name?

I'm entering it into the worksheet as...... =CoA(A1088,1)
I used the Function Argument Display and it came up with the

CellText = "233-9999999-998104-999-99999999-999999"
TheIndex = 1
Delimiter = (left blank)

Result = ""


Forgone said:
It's coming up with #Name?

I'm entering it into the worksheet as...... =CoA(A1088,1)
I used the Function Argument Display and it came up with the

CellText = "233-9999999-998104-999-99999999-999999"
TheIndex = 1
Delimiter = (left blank)

Result = ""

Make sure the function code is in a module of your workbook. In VBE,
right click any part within VBAProject(Your Book Name), Insert, Module,
and put the code there.


Make sure the function code is in a module of your workbook. In VBE,
right click any part within VBAProject(Your Book Name), Insert, Module,
and put the code there.

thanks, I had it in the personal.xls when it wasn't working, but I
just put it in another workbook and it worked.....

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